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Organizer: Anshan Baihe Jian Consulting LLC                 P.R.C  Liao ICP registered 11017804       Police Filling

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Executive Director


I think that the present psychology can not to help some people, the people has been controlled by High-tech-instrument.

With an experience of over 10 years. I hope that I can to overcome mutual contradiction. I believe that everyone has been controlled on consciousness or non-consciousness. Everyone need help.

Leader  Trade Board

Based on "Labor Law" of state to superintend work environment and work rules of the company with the goodness.

Manager Project Elec. Dept.

State Council of the People's Republic of China awarded engineering certificate (ie: an electrical engineer).

In over 30 years in electrical building automation system of the mine accident did not appear uncertain.

Down-to-earth and the principle of quality first in the construction. Reject inferior design pressure and avoid damage to state property.Can be used as an example of the engineer.

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